Feedback or Complaints
To Help us serve you better;
Davis and Brooks Building Services welcomes Feedback or Complaints.
Please ask one of our admin team for a Feedback or Complaints form.
or Speak to your Building Supervisor
or call our Business Manager on 08 8387 3003.
If you need assistance with this please speak to one of our friendly admin team who will
guide you or assist you in making your complaint.
Please note you have a right to complain or give us feedback and we welcome that right.
For NDIS Participants making a complaint
We hope our process is adequate in dealing with your needs or dissatisfaction with our
service if not then the NDIS Quality and Safeguards commission is the next step to go to
to take your complaint.
The Place of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
The NDIS Commission can take complaints from anyone about:
- NDIS services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way
- NDIS services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard
- How an NDIS provider has managed a complaint about services or supports
provided to an NDIS participant
As well as dealing with complaints, the NDIS Commission works to educate providers
about delivering quality and safe supports, and effectively responding to complaints. If a
complaint raises a serious compliance issue, the NDIS Commission has powers to take
taken from on
Advocates can help you make a complaint
How a disability advocate could help you;
You may choose to have an independent disability advocate speak, act or write on your
behalf. It is their job to assist you to exercise choice and control and to have your voice
heard in matters that affect you.
You may also choose to use an independent disability advocate when you make a
Note:- This page is an excerpt of the Davis and Brooks Building Services Pty Ltd Complaints Policy document. If you require further details of the policy please apply to the Business Manager via the Contact page.